Welcome to West Virginia Counselors for Social Justice

Welcome to West Virginia Counselors for Social Justice, where advocacy meets Appalachia. Join us in breaking down barriers, fostering inclusivity, and promoting equity in mental health care across the Mountain State. Together, we're building a stronger, more compassionate West Virginia for all.

Counseling Compact News

The Counseling Compact is an interstate compact  allowing professional counselors licensed in a member state to practice in other member states without need for multiple licenses.



Knowledge empowers individuals to understand, analyze, and navigate the world around them. It serves as a catalyst for change, enabling people to challenge injustice, advocate for their rights, and make informed decisions

   Upcoming Events

Stay informed about upcoming events related to social justice and counseling. From workshops to seminars, there are plenty of opportunities for you to engage with the community and deepen your understanding of these important issues.

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About us

As professional counselors, we have a crucial role to play in advocating for social justice legislation initiatives. By actively promoting these initiatives, we can help create a fair and just society where everyone has equal opportunities. Let's pledge to stay informed and work together towards a better future for all.